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Joint discussion paper on the draft standardisation request on material efficiency aspects for energ

As part of the ongoing revision of the Eco-Design Directive for energy-related products (2009/125/EC), the European Commission aims to shift from a focus mainly on energy efficiency toward greater inclusion of resource efficiency considerations such as reusability, recyclability, recoverability and durability.

Metrics and standards need to be established to provide a compliance framework, including test methods, to support the enforcement of regulatory requirements for material efficiency. For this purpose, the European Commission has submitted a request to the European standardisation organisations CEN and CENELEC for the development of overarching standards relevant to all Eco-Design product categories.

The SNS has been working closely with the European Environmental Citizen Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) to provide proposals to be considered during the drafting of the standardisation request, or so-called ‘mandate’.

CEN-CENELEC have established an Eco-Design Coordination Group responsible for the coordination and supervision of standardisation work related to energy-related products, bringing together industry, societal stakeholders and representatives of the EC. Taskforce 4 of the Coordination Group is leading on the development of the standardisation request, with participation from ECOS.

The European Commission will publish the finalised standardisation request for open consultation. In tandem, the British Standards Institution (BSI) will facilitate input from national stakeholders in due course.

For comments or queries on the standardisation request, please contact us

To read the joint ECOS-EEB-SNS discussion paper, click here

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